When paying for college, make sure you understand your financial aid offer. This letter spells out the details of your financial aid package and what you will be expected to pay out-of-pocket. First, how do you get a financial aid offer letter? To get a financial award letter from your selected college(s), you must first […]
Understanding Your Financial Aid Offer
WRITTEN BY: Dr. Roseanne Scammahorn, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension, Darke County, Scammahorn.5@osu.edu
REVIEWED BY: Melissa J. Rupp, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension, Fulton County, rupp.26@osu.edu
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, (2021). Your financial path to graduation. https://www.consumerfinance.gov/paying-for-college/your-financial-path-to-graduation/?houx=826&fdx=340&clhx=87&trnx=324&hltx=121&entx=94&retx=22&taxx=-6&othx=385
- Federal Student Aid. (2021). Apply for Financial Aid. https://finaid.org/fafsa/awardletters/
- Federal Student Aid. (2021). You are America’s Smartest Investment. https://studentaid.gov/
- Finaid (2021). Award Letters. https://finaid.org/fafsa/awardletters/