I’ve enjoyed following a “Month of Thanks” on Facebook as family and friends list one thing a day during the month of November to be thankful for. Some are big things and some are small things. This is a good reminder to stretch out Thanksgiving Day to a month or even all year! When I forget to be thankful, all the day-by-day “things” could easily add up to a long list of complaints. I am working at turning around those small, sometimes daily frustrations into my long list of thankful moments.
Am I feeling:
- Embarrassed by the dinner that burnt to a crisp? I am thankful that once we get through this meal, this will give my family a favorite story to tell for decades. It will begin with the phrase, “remember when…..?”
- Annoyed by my toddler’s tantrum or my teenager’s sulking? I am thankful for their healthy development and the reminder that this will not last forever.
- Exasperated about the long line at the busy grocery store? I am thankful for the chance to choose our meals.
- Irritated about either having to schedule an oil change or having to wait for the next bus? I am thankful for the vehicle that gets me to where I need to go.
- Sad about my neighbor moving out of state? I am thankful for modern technology to stay in touch on a regular basis.
- Stressed about the amount of work that needs to be completed and not enough time? I am thankful for my cheerful co-workers who are supportive and fun to work with.
As I work on my list of little things to be thankful for I see others looking on the positive side too. During a class on thrifty grocery shopping one of the discussion topics was “pay attention to where foods are placed on the shelves because the less costly options are not usually at eye-level”. A participant cheerfully responded, “Guess that’s my advantage of being short”. A friend on Facebook recently posted a photo of her dogs with the comment: “I might have to vacuum every day. And get up early for walks. And spend a gazillion freezing moments outside for potty breaks. But, I wouldn’t trade them for anything.”
I am having problems with my computer. It probably needs some repair work or replacement. I am thankful for technology when it (usually) works. I am also thankful for the example of my cousin for a non-technical list of thanks in case I don’t get around to putting my daily list on-line. We have a pie pumpkin sitting on our table. Using a permanent marker, we write our thoughts and thanks on it during the month of November. I am thankful for all the additions from my family!
Writer: Patrice Powers-Barker, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Lucas County, Maumee Valley EERA, powers-barker.1@osu.edu
Reviewer: Michelle Treber, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Pickaway County, Heart of Ohio EERA, treber.1@osu.edu