The beautiful colors of fall are being ushered in by the crisp mornings and evenings. Most of the events of summer have been laid aside to make room for the ball games, homework, and tasks to complete on the to-do list. Last week I attended a professional development conference in Lexington Ky. Besides having fabulous travel weather and getting to visit with many friends and co-workers, I returned to work renewed. The thought came to me that if I can spend a few days in “renewal” why don’t I do it more often? Maybe not on the same scale, because it was costly, but what about it gave me a new perspective on my current life? Here are some things to ponder…..see if they relate to how you might infuse your currently daily life with a boost to make the most of the moments.
- New information- learning from others about new trends or how to approach common concerns. It also helped to realize that I’m not alone; others have these challenges as well.
- New teaching methods- some really well done and some that I can say- I don’t want to do it that way!
- New conversations, as we assembled in sessions around common concerns, we were able to talk about what works and what doesn’t or what we might try when we return back home.
- With those conversations, as I would talk through the information I was able to anchor some in my brain and let loose those that I wouldn’t use. So how might this apply in everyday life? I don’t know about you, but I’m a creature of habit. I follow a routine in the morning before work and likely one after work and while at work it’s a steady stream of e-mails, deadlines and teaching. So how can I make change here and now? See if any of these might inspire you:
*Focus on what you want to achieve and who’s on your team to help make it happen. Whether we are at home or at work, we all have things we want to accomplish, so write them down, break down the steps and figure out how to make it part of your plan.
In short, having some change in scenery and routine helped me have a change in perspective. Maybe it’s not a conference or a vacation, but a change in your daily routine that might help you see your life in a different manner. The important piece to take away is to not only ponder the process, but to put it into action, however it works for you.
*Reflect on the progress you’ve made. Remember that life is a journey and while sometimes our “to-do” list is long and challenging, we need to celebrate the accomplishments and recognize that we are making a difference.
*Understand what your daily goals are? What are your work habits and when are you most productive or creative. Plan your day around your best energy.
*Focus on what you want to achieve and who’s on your team to help make it happen. Whether we are at home or at work, we all have things we want to accomplish, so write them down, break down the steps and figure out how to make it part of your plan.
*Reflect on the progress you’ve made. Remember that life is a journey and while sometimes our “to-do” list is long and challenging, we need to celebrate the accomplishments and recognize that we are making a difference.
In short, having some change in scenery and routine helped me have a change in perspective. Maybe it’s not a conference or a vacation, but a change in your daily routine that might help you see your life in a different manner. The important piece to take away is to not only ponder the process, but to put it into action, however it works for you.