Coloring books for adults and mandalas are seen everywhere, at the checkout lines, bookstores, websites, newsstands…everywhere. In fact in 2015, sixteen coloring books for adults and mandalas were among Amazon’s top-selling books. These books surpassed the works of authors like Harper Lee and Steven Covey (Amazon.com, 2016). The interest in coloring for adults has exploded into a popular pastime in just five years according to the New York times (Katz, 2015). Social media has provided a platform for adults to share their art and antidotal testimony for stress relieving results. Does the research support the buzz about the stress reducing outcomes of this phenomenon?
There is evidence that individuals benefit therapeutically from engaging in creative arts and crafts. Adult coloring and mandalas are intricate with repeated patterns. The act draws one into a meditative state of mind that reduces anxiety and creates a soothing experience (Curry, 2005). As a result, there is a positive impact on mental health and wellbeing. (Perruzza, 2010). Heightened impacts occur when paired with social interaction and shared experiences like group events or internet environments like Pinterest, Blogs, and Facebook (Riley, 2013).
According to Laura Sandy, from the psychiatric department, Child & Adolescent Behavior Health, coloring can help to increase focus, reduce anxiety and problem solve. While coloring does not replace therapy, it is a useful tool in the management of stress. One clinician at the agency designs mandalas to share with clients as part of their treatment (Sandy, 2016).
Rediscover your childhood love of coloring and reduce the stress of the day with this inexpensive pastime. Grab your colored pencils, select a Mandala from Aurora University’s collection and relax. Mandalas