Growing up I was always told there are certain topics you should never bring up at the dinner table-politics being one of them. As I grew up I did not understand politics and just took on the same political beliefs of my dad. Years later, I have gone through my own self-discovery of my political views that, much to his dismay, are different than that of my dad. This is not uncommon.
Children tend to grow up and vote the way their parents do. Families are generally the most long-term influence on youth’s political opinions. As people grow older there are other influences that political values and beliefs, which many times developing politically differ from their parents and other family members.
Much of this time of exploring is in the adolescent and early adult years. At this time especially, young adults are going through their stage of identity formation. In order to find their identity they may question their views and feeling on different issues, compare what they think to peers, and also question and compare to family members. It is important that family members respect the process of identity formation and expect some tough questions might come from it.
While in my political exploration I had very little conflict with family members, differing political values and stances in families can create much conflict. As the political season is under way remember to:
• Be supportive of youth who are exploring their beliefs and values
• Take time to answer questions or to explain your own stance on issues
• Keep the lines of communication open
• Respect their decisions, even if they differ from your own
Keep these in mind to help create a conflict free environment when it comes to the political season. Encourage critical thinking and problem solving skills while enhancing your child’s personal growth.
Additional Reference
Dinas, E. 2014. Why does the apple fall far from the tree? How early political socialization prompts parent-child dissimilarity. British Journal of Political Sciences, 44, 827-852. DOI: 10.1017/S0007123413000033