It’s about now that many of us are taking a look at our lists, and checking them twice. How are we ever going to get everything done so that we meet the expectations and not work around the clock? If you really want to know what is important, ask the children what things they look forward to. As they grow older some traditions are kept, but no one really enjoys doing them anymore, but we are afraid to let go of them. Ask them to finish this sentence: ” When I think about Christmas Eve (or your special holiday), we always……..”
Whether we are considering what things to decorate, or what extra food to prepare or maybe even the added activities on the list to attend, there may be things to let go of that everyone would be happy with . Here are a few other things to consider:
Set a plan for the rest of the time you have. Think about what you can reasonably accomplish in the next few days and give the task the amount of time you have on that day. Remember to take care of yourself, don’t work so hard and do without sleep that you miss the enjoyment of the holidays.
Work with other family members and assign tasks, so that they can help. Break large jobs down into smaller ones and let everyone help. Remember to adjust your expectations and don’t “do over” what younger members may have done. Remember the meaning of the season isn’t the biggest or the best.
It could be a rite of passage to get to do the cards, or bake the cookies. Only do what time allows and don’t shoulder guilt for not doing more. Consider cutting back on the the tasks, maybe only send cards to people we don’t see and we only bake two kinds of cookies instead of four. It’s ok to let go and downsize.
Instead of trying to do all the food for the meals, why not share and try a pot luck. Let everyone bring their favorite dish as it makes your job easier and they contribute to the festivities.
Maybe it’s the snow outside, or the fact that our girls are older, but I’m finding that the “stuff” isn’t what makes the “season bright”. It’s the time we spend together, telling stories and sharing favorites of times past. It’s the joy in the laughter, the twinkle in the eyes and the love that’s shown as we work side by side that creates new traditions to treasure.
Best Wishes to All,
Melinda Hill
OSU Extension Wayne County