Did you know that good posture helps your body function at its best? Posture is the way in which your body is positioned when standing, sitting or lying down. When you have good posture your bones are aligned correctly – your muscles, joints and ligaments are working properly or as they should. This also means your vital organs can function efficiently because they are in the right position. Having good posture also helps contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system.
Checklist for good posture
When standing:
- chin parallel to the floor,
- shoulders even,
- neutral spine – no flexing or arching,
- arms at your sides with elbows straight and even,
- abdominal muscles clenched,
- hips even,
- knees even and pointing straight ahead,
- body weight distributed evenly on both feet.
When sitting:
- keep your back straight,
- distribute your weight evenly on both hips,
- keep your head and neck aligned over your shoulders,
- sit back in your chair; your back should be supported by the seat back,
- adjust your chair height so that your hips are slightly higher than your knees,
- be sure your feet are supported by the floor or a footrest,
- avoid sitting for long periods of time; get up from your chair at least once every hour,
- do not twist or bend your back from a seated position.
Good posture is good for balance which helps us walk across the room and play sports. It helps reduce abnormal wearing of joint surfaces that could result in arthritis. When we have good posture, breathing and circulation are enhanced; muscle fatigue and backaches are prevented. Having good posture also contributes to a good appearance. Maintaining good posture has many benefits for us all – both now and in our future.