What’s your favorite fall aroma? There are many to choose from, but I love the smell of warm apples. That list extends to apple pie, applesauce and apple bread, and the best part is there are always new recipes to try and many varieties of apples to experiment with. How do I make sure they are safe […]
Celebrate Farm to School This Month
October is National Farm to School Month! That means celebrating the work of schools and food service staff that serve local foods in their cafeterias, the local farmers who make it possible for kids to eat healthfully, and educators who use school gardens to teach about ecology or health. In light of this ongoing celebration, […]
Reducing Sodium
The US Dietary Guidelines recommend healthy American adults limit their total sodium to 2,300 mg daily. Individuals with chronic conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease, should limit intake to 1,500 mg of sodium daily. These limits can be challenging as most American over consume sodium by 1,000 mg daily(PDF)Links to a PDF […]
The Common Experience Known as Loneliness
At one time or another throughout life we experience loneliness. Yes, feeling isolated or disconnected from others is not uncommon. Even though there might be people surrounding us, this painful feeling occurs to different people, for different reasons, at different degrees. Just to name a few times people might encounter loneliness, picture the freshman at […]
What if I Don’t Want My House Anymore?
Guilt. Remorse. Sadness….and maybe elation if this payment doesn’t need to be made anymore. The realization that you will no longer be a homeowner has become very clear. As a homeowner, you may have decided that it is time for a dignified end to your role as a homeowner. For others, it is time to […]
Tis the Season!
Seems early to be making a list and checking it twice but my mailbox is full of catalogs to entice me to buy early and buy often. It is easy to buy online but do take an extra minute or two to be certain your shopping is secure. The Federal Trade Commission offers these tips […]