My family’s heritage is farming. Although only a handful of my extended family still farms for a living, we all look forward to the annual apple cider pressing. Everyone has their duties…the youngest cousins wash the apples in a large, metal tub (a fun but wet job!). Clean apples are cut and spot-checked by older cousins and […]
After-School Snacks to Satisfy Hungry Kids
“What’s there to eat?” is a common question from kids at the end of a full day of school. By this time, lunch may be four or more hours in the past, stomachs are growling and energy is low. There’s often after-school activities and evening practices to attend, so time to power thru! Snacks are an […]
Goodbye Food Pyramid…….Hello My Plate
Have you noticed the new MyPlate icon? It replaced the Food Pyramid which we have become accustomed to seeing on food labels and nutrition education materials. The new plate was released in June of this year and is pictured to the left. Look for this icon as you continue to read food labels. The MyPlate icon is […]
Specific fiber foods fight cancer
New research has narrowed down some of the most influential high-fiber foods that prevent colon polyps, pouches in the intestines that can lead to colon cancer. What are these cancer-fighting foods? Legumes, brown rice, cooked green vegetables, and dried fruit. The risk of polyps was: * 40% lower among those who ate brown rice at least once […]
In search of a Friendlier Food Label…
The Nutrition Facts Label on the back of food packages is getting a makeover! A much needed makeover. As someone who teaches students about how to read nutrition labels correctly, it’s not intuitive or user friendly. There are some important pieces missing, such as the amount of added sugars (that Americans overconsume) and additional essential vitamins and minerals like […]
Keep Picnic Foods Safe
It’s picnic season. Take time for some simple precautions so that you and your family do not get sick from foodborne illness. First, when you are out-and-about during the summer, make the grocery store your last stop. If you leave perishable items in your car while it is hot, you increase the chances of bacteria […]