Now is a great time of year to provide more fruits and vegetables for your children. We are fortunate to have many farm markets in Ohio. Or, you may have fruits and vegetables in your own back yard. Fruits and vegetables in season are inexpensive to provide for your family.
Fall is the perfect time to try the many varieties of Ohio apples. Select firm apples, free of bruises, decay, broken or shriveled skin. Apples contain small amounts of vitamins A and C, thiamin, iron and calcium. A medium apple contains approximately 75 calories.
Homemade Applesauce
Make your own homemade applesauce by peeling, coring and slicing the apples. Place them in a pan, cover with water. Simmer until the apples are tender. As they soften, add cinnamon candies to desired taste. Use one apple for every two people.
Author: Linnette Mizer Goard, Extension Educator, Family & Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension.